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Raoul's Repo Deep Dive

Real Vision CEO, Raoul Pal, examines via Skype the recent turmoil with an international cadre of outspoken experts: monetary economist George Selgin, George Goncalves of The Bond Strategist, Scott Skyrm, executive vice president at Curvature Securities, and Dr. Z. Barton Wang of Barton Research. Join Raoul on this voyage of discovery as he discusses repo and more with some of the sharpest minds in finance. Filmed on January 31, 2020, in Grand Cayman.

Guest Name
Raoul Pal, George Selgin, George Goncalves, Scott Skyrm, & Dr. Z. Barton Wang
Anchor Name
Raoul Pal
Keywords Name
Monetary Policy, Financial System, Bonds
Show Name
Real Vision Classics