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5 Big Questions for a Double-Dip Recession

Max Wiethe and Real Vision managing editor, Ed Harrison, discuss Ed's outlook for a winter double-dip recession in the U.S. and the most important questions for determining the breadth, depth, and market implications of this prediction. How bad will the pandemic get before this wave can be arrested? How severe an economic brake will have to occur to get the virus under control? What short- and long-term impact will this have on businesses? What can policymakers do to mitigate downside risk and prevent worst-case outcomes? How will all of this feed through into asset markets? In the intro, Real Vision's Haley Draznin, examines the juxtaposition between the markets hitting record highs and the broader economy as initial jobless claims rise for a second week in a row.

Guest Name
Haley Draznin, Ed Harrison, and Max Wiethe
Keywords Name
Trading, Economics, Real Vision, Investing, Cryptocurrencies, Interview, Finance
Show Name
Daily Briefing