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The Central Banks: Breakdown of Institutions

Ian Bremmer, president and founder of GZERO Media and the Eurasia Group, tells Vincent Catalano why the pressure to save the economy has landed on central bankers. Bremmer points out the inefficiency of the current monetary policy regime “backstopping” financial misbehavior, and explains why that is consonant with a general loss of faith in traditional institutions. This clip is excerpted from a video published on Real Vision on August 2, 2019 entitled “A Geopolitical Recession.”

Guest Name
Ian Bremmer
Anchor Name
Vincent Catalano
Keywords Name
Economy, GZERO Media, Economics, Monetary policy, Vincent Catalano, Eurasia Group, Central Banks, Real Vision, Ian Bremmer, Investing, Markets, Finance, Institutions
Show Name
Future Fears