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Public Employee "Plunder" and California's Perfect Storm

Steve Greenhut, Western region director at R Street Institute and author of "Plunder: How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation," joins Mike Green of Logica Capital Advisers to discuss his coverage of the political paralysis that surrounds the issue of pensions in California. He guides Mike on a deep-dive into the gargantuan public employee compensation complex and how that complex bleeds into every other aspect of California government spending. He argues that public employees have forced state and local governments into a corner wherein they cannot maintain their obligations because of the massive burden of pension disbursements and employee compensation. Due to a lack of transparency, pension assumptions based on guesswork, and legal precedent overturning democratic decisions, Greenhut says that the perfect storm that will surely "surprise" Californian politicians has been plain to see for longer than a decade. Filmed on February 6, 2020 in Sacramento, California.

Guest Name
Steven Greenhut and Michael Green
Anchor Name
Michael Green
Keywords Name
Mike Green, Pensions, Logica Capital Advisers, Steve Greenhut, Economics, Real Vision, Interview, California Pension Crisis, Investing, Trading, Finance, Cryptocurrencies, Public Sector, R Street
Show Name
The Interview