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Will Earnings Cool This Rally?

Dale Pinkert, head of trader development at TradeGateHub, joins Ash Bennington to share his perspective on "the good, the bad, and the ugly" stocks that are driving this equity rally,. Plus, they'll discuss what a falling dollar means for gold, and why Dale remains focused on the Japanese yen. Join Rick Rule at The Rule Symposium on Natural Resource Investing in Boca Raton, Florida, July 23-27. Access to industry insiders: elite bullion dealers, gold council members, and uranium pros. Special pricing on in-person and virtual seats available at And make sure to watch Raoul's "Past, Present, and Future of Real Vision" video to learn about some big changes coming to the platform: If you want to level up or lock in your membership, right this way:

Guest Name
Dale Pinkert and Ash Bennington
Show Name
Daily Briefing
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